Offset Printing Services
Offset printing services includes consistent high image quality. Offset printing produces sharp and clean images and type more easily. Quick and easy production of printing plates.
- Sheetfed (magazines, annual reports, leaflet, posters, books printing, etc)
- Web heatset (magazines, leaflet, books printing, etc)
Sheet offset
- Sheet-fed offset print (lllb-Format and bigger) 1 to 4 colours – without finish / varnish
- Sheet-fed offset print (lllb-Format and bigger) 4 colours – without finish / varnish
- Sheet offset print (lllb-Format and bigger) 5 colours – without finish
- Sheet-fed offset print (lllb-Format and bigger) 6 to 10 colours – with finish / varnish
- Sheet-fed offset print (lllb-Format and bigger) 6 to 10 colours – without finish / varnish
- Sheet-fed offset print (smaller lllb-Format) 1 to 4 colours – without finish / varnish

Please contact us for more information:
Lot 2, Jalan Sepana 15/3
off Jalan Persiaraan Selangor
Seksyen 15
40200 Shah Alam
Selangor Darul Ehsan
Tel : 603 – 5101 3388
Fax : 603 – 5101 3301