Post Press
Post Press includes Hard cover binding, perfect bind, lock bind, stitching:
Three-knife trimmer
- Three-knife trimmer up to 60 mm cutting width
- Three-knife trimmer above 60 mm cutting width
- Inkjet- addressing
Binding methods
- Wire-stitching- Back-stitching for single- or multi-ply production
- Wire-stitching- single or sheet side stitching
- Thread-sealing
- Adhesive binding
- Adhesive binding – hot melt
- Wire-o-binding
Completion / Finishing
- To label
- Protection cover
- Dispatch, Distribution
To fold
- Folding up to 90 cm feeding width
- Folding above 90 cm feeding width
to cut (cutting maschine)
- Cutting width up to 137 cm
- Cutting width above 197 cm
Processing techniques
- To laminate / To line
- To perforate sth.
- Blocking / Stamping / Moulding
- To crease
- Punching / die-cutting
To collect
- Wire-stitching up to 12 stations
- Wire-stitching up to 30 stations
- Single sheet up to 30 stations
- Thread-stitching up to 6 stations
- Adhesive binder up to 16 stations

Please contact us for more information:
Lot 2, Jalan Sepana 15/3
off Jalan Persiaraan Selangor
Seksyen 15
40200 Shah Alam
Selangor Darul Ehsan
Tel : 603 – 5101 3388
Fax : 603 – 5101 3301